Secure Shell Solutions

Secure authentication, strong encryption, and data integrity.

VanDyke Software secure client and server products are based on the Secure Shell open protocol, providing cross-platform access with secure authentication, strong encryption, and data integrity. Read on to learn about Secure Shell technology and how to make VanDyke software part of your network security toolkit.

Secure Solutions

VanDyke provides secure solutions to vulnerable protocols like Telnet and FTP. Our Secure Shell solutions, which combine the VShell® server with the SecureCRT® and SecureFX® clients, provide the ability for secure and remote administration of network resources from servers to routers, securely access applications, and securely transfer files.     Secure Shell Solutions

White Papers

VanDyke's Secure Shell white papers are for computer and software industry professionals and managers investigating secure access solutions with Windows workstations or servers as components. They are also for Secure Shell administrators who are looking to maximize the value of secure access services to their user base. White Papers are available in HTML and PDF format.     White Papers

Case Studies

VanDyke Software products are used by individuals and organizations in more than 100 countries around the world. Read how solutions using VanDyke's products are helping customers address critical business challenges involving communications, remote access and administration, file transfer, and network security.

Read the Case Studies

Secsh Protocol Documents

"Secsh" was the official name for the Internet Engineering Task Force's (IETF) working group responsible for the SSH2 protocol. Secsh is commonly known as Secure Shell or SSH. The core documents for Secure Shell version 2, usually called SSH2, were published as RFC 4250-4254 in January, 2006.  The Secsh IETF working group closed shortly thereafter.  Of the significant work items for the working group, only the SFTP protocol specification did not advance to RFC. There is currently no working group addressing the SFTP protocol, nor any ongoing work. Links to current Secsh protocol documents are available on this site.

Customer Testimonials

  • "Thanks for the new feature and for the notification that it had been added — I don't really know of any other developer that notifies people who have given feedback like you guys do. That makes for very happy customers."

    —Burt Heymanson, SecureCRT Customer

  • "I would like to thank you for the amazing quality of service and SecureCRT support you give to us."

    —Anton Starovoytov, Solarix Networks, SecureCRT Customer

  • "Thank you for a great release! I've been actively using SecureCRT for many, many years and it's simply the best SSH client in existence!"

    —Rich Tricoche, SecureCRT Customer

Read more about VanDyke customers

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