# $language = "VBScript" # $interface = "1.0" ' The Dialog object's Prompt() function takes 4 parameters listed in order: ' ' prompt text - Informational prompt message to users. This parameter is ' mandatory. ' ' title - A title or caption for the prompt window. This parameter ' is optional and defaults to the application name. ' ' default - A default string that will be displayed in the edit box. ' This parameter is optional and defaults to an empty string. ' ' ispasswd - A boolean value. If True, this parameter causes edit text ' to be visibly obscured. This parameter is optional and ' defaults to False. Sub main Dim result ' Supply only the prompt text, accept defaults for everything else. ' result = crt.Dialog.Prompt("Here is the prompt text") ' Prompt by supplying all of the parameters ' result = crt.Dialog.Prompt("Here is the prompt text", "My Caption", "Default edit text", False) ' Note: Prompt() always returns the edit box text if the user clicks OK. ' It always returns an empty string if the user cancels... ' crt.Dialog.MessageBox "You entered: " & result ' Prompt for a password and obscure the edit box text. ' result = crt.Dialog.Prompt("Enter your password", "Login", "", True) End Sub