' ExcelSpreadsheets-SearchingAndLookups.vbs ' ' Questions about scripting in SecureCRT with VBScript? ' Consult the SecureCRT VBScript User Guide online: ' https://www.vandyke.com/support/tips/scripting/index.html ' ' Description: ' ------------ ' This example Script shows how to search for (look up) data ' within an Excel spreadsheet using VBScript running within ' SecureCRT, and read data from other cells within the row ' that contained the data that was found. ' ' This specific example uses an excel spreadsheet that has the ' following general format: ' A | B | C | D | E | ' +--------------+-------+----------+----------+-----------+ ' 1 | IP Address | Port | Protocol | Username | Password | ' +--------------+-------+----------+----------+-----------+ ' 2 | | 22 | SSH2 | admin | p4$$w0rd | ' +--------------+-------+----------+----------+-----------+ ' 3 | | 23 | Telnet | root | NtheCl33r | ' +--------------+-------+----------+----------+-----------+ ' 4 | | 22 | SSH2 | root | s4f3rN0w! | ' +--------------+-------+----------+----------+-----------+ ' ... and so on ' ' - A User is prompted for text to search for (in Column "A", as represented ' by the 'strSearchFor' variable in Sub Main()). ' ' - When the user provides a search term, the workbook specified in the ' 'g_strWkBkPath' variable is opened using Excel COM object API calls, and ' the first sheet in the workbook is searched for the term provided by ' calling the Lookup() function. See the Lookup() function definition below ' for more details on what parameters are needed, etc. ' ' - If the user-provided text is found in column "A" of the first spreadsheet ' in the workbook, the Lookup() function returns as its value the number of ' the row on which the text was found, and an array is populated with the ' column values for that row (up to a specified column passed to the Lookup ' function.) If the user-provided text is not found, the user is notified ' and allowed to enter another search term. ' ' - Using the information from the array, another function is ' called: DoWorkWithRowData(). In this example, this function: ' - Connects to the remote machine using the information in the vRowData ' array that it's provided, ' - Detects the shell prompt automatically using the GetShellPrompt() ' function defined below, ' - Runs a command on the remote machine, ' - Captures the output of the command within a script variable using the ' Screen.ReadString method, and ' - Displays the results of the command within a popup message box. ' ' - Once a search has been done, and the appropriate work has been done in the ' DoWorkWithRowData() function, the script loops back up to prompting the ' user for a search term until the search prompt is cancelled. Dim g_shell Set g_shell = CreateObject("WSCript.Shell") Dim g_objExcel Set g_objExcel = Nothing Dim g_strMyDocs, g_strWkBkPath g_strMyDocs = g_shell.SpecialFolders("MyDocuments") g_strWkBkPath = g_strMyDocs & "\MyExcelData.xls" ' g_strError is a global variable that is used to store error messages ' within called functions so that the error messages are available to ' other (calling) functions or subroutines. Dim g_strError '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sub Main() ' Loop, prompting for input until either the user cancels, or until ' a match is found within the spreadsheet. Dim strSearchFor, strSearchCol strSearchFor = "" ' Specify the column in which the data you're searching for is expected ' to be found strSearchCol = "A" Do ' Prompt user for data to find strSearchFor = crt.Dialog.Prompt(_ "Specify what to look for", _ "Search Spreadsheet For...", _ strSearchFor) ' Check for "cancel" If strSearchFor = "" Then Exit Do Dim nRowFound, vData ' Call routine to load spreadsheet and look for 'strSearchFor' text ' in 'strSearchCol' and retrieve corresponding row data into ' vRowData. ' Note: When calling this Lookup function, you should remember to ' change the last parameter to match the letter that represents ' the last (right-most) column of data that you need to be ' included as part of the vRowData that is returned when a match ' is found. In this example, the last column of data in the ' Excel spreadsheet that is needed is "E". If the last data ' you care about in your spreadsheet is "F", for example, make ' sure you change the "E" below to an "F". nRow = Lookup(g_strWkBkPath, strSearchFor, strSearchCol, vRowData, "E") ' Check the return value to see if a match was found on any of the ' rows within the search column: If nRow = 0 Then crt.Dialog.MessageBox _ """" & strSearchFor & """ was not found in column " & _ """" & strSearchCol & """ in the specified spreadsheet." Else ' Now that an array exists with all the data on the row that ' was found with the search term, call a function to do the ' necessary work based on the data on that row... DoWorkWithRowData(vRowData) End If Loop ' Close Excel (only if it was ever opened) If Not g_objExcel Is Nothing Then g_objExcel.Quit End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sub DoWorkWithRowData(vRowData) ' This function is responsible for doing all the work that was needed ' to be done with the data on the row that was found in the search. ' Use data from the array for connecting to the remote system. Make sure ' that you are only using Colum specifications that are available to you ' within the array that was returned from the Lookup() function. Remember ' that the Lookup function is provided a parameter that indicates the last ' column of data that the script will extract from the matching row. In ' this example, "E" is the last column of data the Lookup() function was ' told to extract. ' ' If you need to access rows beyond "E", you must make sure that you've ' called the Lookup() function in Main() above with the appropriate column ' specification for the last column of data you need from the spreadsheet's ' matching row. For example, if you need access to data in column "AC", you ' must have already called Lookup() earlier with a last column argument of ' "AC". Otherwise, attempting to access the data you need by calling ' vRowData(Col("AC")) will result in a "Subscript out of range" error. strIP = vRowData(Col("A")) strPort = vRowData(Col("B")) strProtocol = vRowData(Col("C")) strUsername = vRowData(Col("D")) strPassword = vRowData(Col("E")) ' Connect to the remote machine using the information from the array ' provided by the Lookup() function: If Not Connect(_ strIP, _ strPort, _ strProtocol, _ strUsername, _ strPassword) Then ' Log an error, send e-mail? For now, just display the connection ' error in a msgbox crt.Dialog.MessageBox "Failure: " & g_strError Else ' Use the GetShellPrompt() function defined below within this script ' to automatically detect the shell prompt using a heuristic as ' demonstrated in a couple of example script solutions in the SecureCRT ' VBScript Guide: ' https://www.vandyke.com/support/tips/scripting/index.html strPrompt = GetShellPrompt() ' Turn off "---More---" prompts on the Cisco device. Note that if ' you're connecting to a PIX firewall or other device, you'll likely ' need to issue a different command ('pager 0', or something similar): crt.Screen.Send "term len 0" & vbcr crt.Screen.WaitForString strPrompt ' Issue command(s) to remote machine (modify according to your scenario) ' For example: crt.Screen.Send "sh term" & vbcr ' Read data received until the prompt is displayed once again, storing ' text results in 'strResults' variable: strResults = crt.Screen.ReadString(strPrompt) crt.Dialog.MessageBox _ "Here are the results:" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & _ strResults crt.Session.Disconnect End If End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Function Lookup(strWkBkPath, _ strSearchFor, _ strColumnToSearch, _ ByRef vRowDataArray, _ nLastColData) ' Looks in spreadsheet found in strSpreadSheetPath for text held ' in strSearchFor and stores all the data in the found row in ' vRowDataArray which is accessible by caller afterwards ' ' strWkBkPath: String w/the full path to the Excel spreadsheet that ' contains the data you're searching for. ' ' strColumnToSearch: String containing the range specification for the ' area of the spreadsheet you expect the data to be ' found. For example, if you're keying off of column ' 'A' in your spreadsheet, you would pass in "A". ' ' strLookupText: String variable containing the text you're searching ' for within the spreadsheet. For example: "" ' ' vRowDataArray: Reference to a variable that will become an array ' if this function successfully finds the search term ' provided. ' ' nLastColData: String variable representing the column reference ' that indicates the last column of the row that you ' want returned as part of the data array representing ' the columns on the row that was found. For examle, if ' your spreadsheet has data up to column 'Y' you would ' pass in "Y". ' ' Returns row number on which data was found. ' If nothing was found, returns zero (which works great since in an Excel ' since there is no such thing as Row #0) ' First, load up the spreadsheet If g_objExcel Is Nothing Then On Error Resume Next Set g_objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") nError = Err.Number strErr = Err.Description On Error Goto 0 If nError <> 0 Then crt.Dialog.Prompt _ "Error: " & strErr & vbcrlf & _ vbcrlf & _ "Perhaps you need MS Excel to be installed or repaired." Exit Function End If End If ' Now load the workbook (Read-Only), and get a reference to the first sheet On Error Resume Next Set objWkBk = g_objExcel.Workbooks.Open(strWkBkPath, 0, True) nError = Err.Number strErr = Err.Description On Error Goto 0 If nError <> 0 Then g_objExcel.Quit crt.Dialog.MessageBox _ "Error loading spreadsheet """ & strWkBkPath & """:" & vbcrlf & _ vbcrlf & _ strErr Exit Function End If Set objSheet = objWkBk.Sheets(1) ' Look in specified column for the given data: Set objSearchRange = objSheet.Columns(strColumnToSearch) Set objFoundRange = Nothing Set objFoundRange = objSearchRange.Find(strSearchFor) If Not objFoundRange Is Nothing Then Lookup = objFoundRange.Row ReDim vRowDataArray(Col(nLastColData)) For nColIndex = 1 To Col(nLastColData) vRowDataArray(nColIndex) = objFoundRange.Cells(1, nColIndex).Value Next Else Lookup = 0 Exit Function End If End Function '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Function Col(strLetterRef) ' Converts any Excel letter combination into its corresponding column ' number. For example "A" is column #1, C is col #3, AA is column #27, etc. ' ' strLetterRef: a string indicating which Excel Column (by letters) ' needs to be converted to a number. For example "AA". ' Lower-case values are accepted. Dim nColumnValue nColumnValue = 0 ' Performing base 26 arithmetic... For nLetterIndex = Len(strLetterRef) To 1 Step -1 ' nMultiplier is the number of times 26 (number of letters in English ' alphabet) is multiplied by the ASCII value of the current letter. nMultiplier = Len(strLetterRef) - nLetterIndex ' nCurLetter is the ASCII value of the current letter being worked on ' (right->left since the right-most letters represent lower-significance ' values) nCurLetter = ASC(UCase(Mid(strLetterRef, nLetterIndex, 1))) - 64 nColumnValue = nColumnValue + (nCurLetter * (26 ^ nMultiplier)) Next Col = nColumnValue End Function '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Function Connect(strIP, strPort, strProtocol, strUsername, strPassword) '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' First disconnect if SecureCRT is already connected. If crt.Session.Connected Then crt.Session.Disconnect g_strError = "" Dim strCmd Select Case UCase(strProtocol) Case "TELNET" strCmd = "/TELNET " & strIP & " " & strPort ' Workaround that uses "On Error Resume Next" VBScript directive to ' detect Errors that might occur from the crt.Session.Connect call ' and instead of closing the script, allow for error handling within ' the script as the script author desires. On Error Resume Next crt.Session.Connect strCmd nError = Err.Number g_strError = Err.Description On Error Goto 0 If crt.Session.Connected <> True Then Exit Function crt.Screen.Synchronous = True crt.Screen.IgnoreEscape = True ' Look for username and password prompts crt.Screen.WaitForString("ogin:") crt.Screen.Send strUsername & vbcr crt.Screen.WaitForString("ssword:") crt.Screen.Send strPassword & vbcr Connect = True Case "SSH2", "SSH1" strCmd = _ " /" & UCase(strProtocol) & " " & _ " /L " & strUsername & _ " /PASSWORD " & strPassword & _ " /P " & strPort & _ " /ACCEPTHOSTKEYS " & _ strIP ' Workaround that uses "On Error Resume Next" VBScript directive to ' detect Errors that might occur from the crt.Session.Connect call ' and instead of closing the script, allow for error handling within ' the script as the script author desires. On Error Resume Next crt.Session.Connect strCmd nError = Err.Number g_strError = Err.Description On Error Goto 0 If crt.Session.Connected <> True Then Exit Function crt.Screen.Synchronous = True crt.Screen.IgnoreEscape = True Connect = True Case Else ' Unsupported protocol g_strError = "Unsupported protocol: " & strProtocol Exit Function End Select On Error Goto 0 End Function ' End Function '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Function GetShellPrompt() ' Heuristically dermine the shell's prompt. Crt.Screen.Synchronous must ' already have been set to True. In general, Crt.Screen.Synchronous should ' be set to True immediately after a successful crt.Session.Connect(). In ' This script, SecureCRT should already be connected -- otherwise, a script ' error will occur. Do ' Simulate pressing "Enter" so the prompt appears again... crt.Screen.Send vbcr ' Attempt to detect the command prompt heuristically by waiting for the ' cursor to stop moving... (the timeout for WaitForCursor above might ' not be enough for slower- responding hosts, so you will need to adjust ' the timeout value above to meet your system's specific timing ' requirements). Do bCursorMoved = crt.Screen.WaitForCursor(1) Loop Until bCursorMoved = False ' Once the cursor has stopped moving for about a second, it's assumed ' it's safe to start interacting with the remote system. Get the shell ' prompt so that it's known what to look for when determining if the ' command is completed. Won't work if the prompt is dynamic (e.g., ' changes according to current working folder, etc.) nRow = crt.Screen.CurrentRow strPrompt = crt.screen.Get(nRow, _ 0, _ nRow, _ crt.Screen.CurrentColumn - 1) ' Loop until a line of non-whitespace text actually appears: strPrompt = Trim(strPrompt) If strPrompt <> "" Then Exit Do Loop GetShellPrompt = strPrompt End Function