' ExcelSpreadsheets-ReadingAndWriting.vbs ' ' This example Script shows how to read (and write) data to (and from) an ' Excel spreadsheet using VBScript running within SecureCRT. ' ' This specific example uses an excel spreadsheet that has the ' following general format: ' A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | ' +--------------+-------+----------+----------+-----------+---------+------+---------+ ' 1 | IP Address | Port | Protocol | Username | Password | Active? | Date | Results | ' +--------------+-------+----------+----------+-----------+---------+------+---------+ ' 2 | | 22 | SSH2 | admin | p4$$w0rd | Yes | 1/11 | Succ | ' +--------------+-------+----------+----------+-----------+---------+------+---------+ ' 3 | | 23 | Telnet | root | NtheCl33r | No | 1/11 | Fail | ' +--------------+-------+----------+----------+-----------+---------+------+---------+ ' 4 | | 22 | SSH2 | root | s4f3rN0w! | Yes | 1/11 | Succ | ' +--------------+-------+----------+----------+-----------+---------+------+---------+ ' Dim g_shell Set g_shell = CreateObject("WSCript.Shell") Dim g_strMyDocs, g_strSpreadSheetPath g_strMyDocs = g_shell.SpecialFolders("MyDocuments") g_strSpreadSheetPath = g_strMyDocs & "\MyExcelData.xls" Dim g_objExcel Dim g_IP_COL, g_PORT_COL, g_USER_COL, g_PASS_COL, g_ACT_COL ' Convert Letter column indicators to numerical references g_IP_COL = Asc("A") - 64 g_PORT_COL = Asc("B") - 64 g_PROTO_COL = Asc("C") - 64 g_USER_COL = Asc("D") - 64 g_PASS_COL = Asc("E") - 64 g_ACT_COL = Asc("F") - 64 g_ACT_DATE_COL = Asc("G") - 64 g_ACT_RES_COL = Asc("H") - 64 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sub Main() Set g_objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") Dim objWkBook Set objWkBook = g_objExcel.Workbooks.Open(g_strSpreadSheetPath) Dim objSheet Set objSheet = objWkBook.Sheets(1) Dim nRowIndex ' Skip the header row. If your sheet doesn't have a header row, change the ' value of nRowIndex to '1'. nRowIndex = 2 ' Loop continues until we find an empty row Dim strIP, strPort, strProtocol, strUsername, strPassword, strActive Do ' If you find an empty value in column #1, exit the loop strIP = Trim(objSheet.Cells(nRowIndex, g_IP_COL).Value) If strIP = "" Then Exit Do strActive = Trim(objSheet.Cells(nRowIndex, g_ACT_COL).Value) 'If Not Continue("Debug: Active(" & nRowIndex & ") = " & strActive) Then ' Exit Do 'End If ' Connect to machines using the information we've gathered... only on ' condition of value in the g_ACT_COL column. If LCase(strActive) = "yes" Then strPort = Trim(objSheet.Cells(nRowIndex, g_PORT_COL).Value) strProtocol = Trim(objSheet.Cells(nRowIndex, g_PROTO_COL).Value) strUsername = Trim(objSheet.Cells(nRowIndex, g_USER_COL).Value) strPassword = Trim(objSheet.Cells(nRowIndex, g_PASS_COL).Value) ' For debugging output (msgbox), uncomment the following group of ' lines: 'If Not Continue("Debug: Here's the information from row #" & _ ' nRowIndex & ":" & vbcrlf & _ ' "Column #" & g_IP_COL & ": " & strIP & vbcrlf & _ ' "Column #" & g_PORT_COL & ": " & strPort & vbcrlf & _ ' "Column #" & g_USER_COL & ": " & strUsername & vbcrlf & _ ' "Column #" & g_PASS_COL & ": " & strPassword) Then Exit Do If Not Connect(_ strIP, _ strPort, _ strProtocol, _ strUsername, _ strPassword) Then ' Log an error, send e-mail? For now, just mark it in the ' spreadsheet. objSheet.Cells(nRowIndex, g_ACT_RES_COL).Value = _ "Failure: Unable to Connect" Else ' Heuristically determine the shell's prompt Do ' Simulate pressing "Enter" so the prompt appears again... crt.Screen.Send vbcr ' Attempt to detect the command prompt heuristically by ' waiting for the cursor to stop moving... (the timeout for ' WaitForCursor above might not be enough for slower- ' responding hosts, so you will need to adjust the timeout ' value above to meet your system's specific timing ' requirements). Do bCursorMoved = crt.Screen.WaitForCursor(1) Loop Until bCursorMoved = False ' Once the cursor has stopped moving for about a second, ' we'll assume it's safe to start interacting with the ' remote system. Get the shell prompt so that we can know ' what to look for when determining if the command is ' completed. Won't work if the prompt is dynamic (e.g., ' changes according to current working folder, etc.) nRow = crt.Screen.CurrentRow strPrompt = crt.screen.Get(nRow, _ 0, _ nRow, _ crt.Screen.CurrentColumn - 1) ' Loop until we actually see a line of text appear: strPrompt = Trim(strPrompt) If strPrompt <> "" Then Exit Do Loop ' Issue command(s) to remote machine (modify according to your ' scenario) For example: crt.Screen.Send "sh config" & vbcr ' Check for success of command(s) (modify according your ' scenario), capturing the output of the command for storing in ' the excel spreadsheet. Make sure that the success case is the ' first string in the array. vStringsToWaitFor = Array(_ strPrompt, _ "Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.") strResults = crt.Screen.ReadString(vStringsToWaitFor) ' Get the current line so that we can peel it off of from the ' results that were captured from the data sent by the remote. strCurLine = crt.Screen.Get(_ crt.Screen.CurrentRow, _ 0, _ crt.Screen.CurrentRow, _ crt.Screen.CurrentColumn) strResults = Left(strResults, Len(strResults) - Len(strCurLine)) If crt.Screen.MatchIndex = 1 Then bSuccess = True Set objCell = objSheet.Cells(nRowIndex, g_ACT_RES_COL) If bSuccess Then objCell.Value = "Success" objCell.ClearComments objCell.AddComment strResults objCell.Comment.Shape.Width = 300 objCell.Comment.Shape.Height = 100 Else objCell.Value = _ "Failure: Command failed. Matchindex = " & _ crt.Screen.MatchIndex objCell.AddComment strResults objCell.Comment.Shape.Width = 200 objCell.Comment.Shape.Height = 100 End If End If Else ' mark the skipped ones in the spreadsheet objSheet.Cells(nRowIndex, g_ACT_RES_COL).Value = "Skipped" End If ' We always record the date of action status objSheet.Cells(nRowIndex, g_ACT_DATE_COL).Value = Now ' move down to the next row in the spreadsheet nRowIndex = nRowIndex + 1 Loop objWkBook.Save objWkBook.Close g_objExcel.Quit Set g_objExcel = Nothing g_shell.Run Chr(34) & g_strSpreadSheetPath & Chr(34) End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Function Connect(strIP, strPort, strProtocol, strUsername, strPassword) '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' Workaround that uses "On Error Resume Next" VBScript directive to detect ' Errors that might occur from the crt.Session.Connect call and instead of ' closing the script, allow for error handling within the script as the ' script author desires. On Error Resume Next ' First disconnect if we're already connected. If crt.Session.Connected Then crt.Session.Disconnect g_strError = "" Err.Clear Dim strCmd Select Case UCase(strProtocol) Case "TELNET" strCmd = "/TELNET " & strIP & " " & strPort crt.Session.Connect strCmd crt.Screen.Synchronous = True If crt.Session.Connected <> True Then Exit Function ' Look for username and password prompts crt.Screen.WaitForString("ogin:") crt.Screen.Send strUsername & vbcr crt.Screen.WaitForString("ssword:") crt.Screen.Send strPassword & vbcr Connect = True Case "SSH2", "SSH1" strCmd = _ " /" & UCase(strProtocol) & " " & _ " /L " & strUsername & _ " /PASSWORD " & strPassword & _ " /P " & strPort & _ " /ACCEPTHOSTKEYS " & _ strIP crt.Session.Connect strCmd If crt.Session.Connected <> True Then Exit Function crt.Screen.Synchronous = True Connect = True Case Else ' Unsupported protocol g_strError = "Unsupported protocol: " & strProtocol Exit Function End Select If Err.Number <> 0 Then g_strError = Err.Description End If On Error Goto 0 End Function ' End Function '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Function Continue(strMsg) Continue = True WScript.Sleep 200 If msgBox(strMsg, vbYesno) <> vbYes Then Continue = False WScript.Sleep 400 End Function