SecureFX(R) 9.1.1 (Official) -- November 23, 2021 Copyright (C) 1995-2022 VanDyke Software, Inc. All rights reserved. This file contains the SecureFX product history. It includes lists of new features, changes, and bug fixes sorted by release. For a product description, installation notes, registration information, and contact information, please refer to SecureFX_README.txt (downloaded with this installation). Changes in SecureFX 9.1.1 (Official) -- November 23, 2021 --------------------------------------------------------- New Feature: - Windows: SecureFX 9.1.1 is compatible with Windows 11. Bug Fix: - After a synchronize operation completed, the transaction statistics displayed in the log reported an incorrect number of file transfers and did not report the number of files that were deleted. Changes in SecureFX 9.1 (Official) -- September 2, 2021 ------------------------------------------------------- No changes. Changes in SecureFX 9.1 (Beta 5) -- August 24, 2021 --------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes: - Listing all S3 buckets on a Linode server failed with a "SignatureDoesNotMatch" error. Changes in SecureFX 9.1 (Beta 4) -- August 10, 2021 --------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes: - The listing of S3 buckets containing millions of items is significantly faster. Previously, it could have taken 30 minutes or longer. - When connected to an S3 server, if the owner name for a directory entry contained a space, browsing the directory structure would have failed. Changes in SecureFX 9.1 (Beta 3) -- July 22, 2021 ------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes: - When connected to a NetApp StorageGRID S3 server, file rename operations may have failed. - SCP: When connected to a Cisco ASA device that is configured to be in "Multiple Context Mode", the remote SCP commands sent by SecureFX would have failed. A "SCP Cisco ASA Force System Command Mode" session .INI-file-only option has been added, which allows the remote system context to be changed to system execution mode. - Windows: When editing an existing Scheduled Task, the start time for the task displayed the current time instead of the previously scheduled time. - Windows: If an error occurred while attempting to update the application using "Update now...", the error message may not have been displayed as expected. - Mac/Linux: When running SecureCRT and SecureFX integrated, if one application was launched from the other, after navigating to the "Configuration Paths" category in the Global Options dialog, it was not possible to navigate to a different category. - Mac: The VanDyke Update dialogs did not honor the system Dark Mode setting. Changes in SecureFX 9.1 (Beta 2) -- June 29, 2021 ------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes: - When connected to a Cisco device using the SCP protocol, commands sent and responses received may have been logged out of order. - When connected to a Treck FTP server, directory listings may not have been parsed correctly. Changes in SecureFX 9.1 (Beta 1) -- June 3, 2021 ------------------------------------------------ New Features: - Mac: Added support for Big Sur. - Added transfer protocol "HTTPS (S3)", which supports S3-compatible services in addition to AWS. - Added OpenSSH Agent support for the rsa-sha2-256 and rsa-sha2-512 signature formats. - Windows: The display theme's foreground and background colors are honored for the panes in the SecureFX application window. - Mac: Updated the GUI by removing the toolbar and moving the toolbar items to the title bar. Changes: - The log trace level can now be set in the Session Options dialog. - The folder tree area in the remote view now has a minimum height. - Windows: For all display themes, the title bar now uses the standard Windows Minimize, Restore, and Close buttons and uses the system accent color if the Windows Colors option "Title bars and window borders" is set. Bug Fixes: - Windows: If the local or remote window tree view was toggled on and the previously saved size of the view was set to 0, SecureFX could have crashed. - Windows: On high-DPI monitors with certain scaling levels, the MD5 fingerprint displayed on the view host key dialog may have been cut off.